Frequent Questions
Booking an appointment is easy! You can schedule directly through our website or call us at our Jacksonville studio. We recommend booking in advance to secure your preferred time.
While we recommend booking ahead, we do accept walk-ins when availability allows. However, appointments are prioritized, so booking ensures you receive the best service at your convenience.
In addition to fiberglass nails, we offer classic manicures, gel extensions, and custom nail art. Our services are designed to cater to various styles and preferences, always with a focus on quality.
For the best results, please arrive with clean nails and without polish if possible. This helps us start right away and keeps the process efficient and comfortable.
We ask for at least 24 hours' notice if you need to cancel or reschedule. This allows us to offer your spot to another client. Cancellations within 24 hours may incur a fee.
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